Khit San Movement Khit San Movement started in 1930. The word, Khit San come from student of Yangon University. There writing the short story and poem with new approaching method of Burmese language. When published collection of these short story and poem, the professor Pe Maung Tin used all of these collection book that the name Khit San Ponbyin Mya in 1934. The word Khit San started use in this book publish. Khit San, in English mean Time Testing. Pe Maung Tin said that the literacy interested university student are testing their age, testing their time and testing their literacy. So, he named the Khit San and definable. Now, we called that movement of Khit San. This is very important age of Modern Myanmar Literacy development. According to research, Khit San movement started in 1930, but they did’t start as a movement at first. They tried to innovation the Burmese literacy. All of the Khit San writers are Burmese literate. They study Burmese literacy from Burma National School. Also, there are study the western literacy from Christian missionary school. They know about bothof Burmese and Western literacy. That why, they want to innovative to Burmese literacy. According to there writing style, they use the short form and clearer sentence and they express the age of expression. According to the my study, the poem, Padauk Pan, in English the Padauk flower is the first Khit San poem by Zawgyi when published in Hantha Kyemon pamphlet in 1928. According to research, Zawgyi , Theippan Maung Wa and Min Thu Wun , Maung Htin, Maung Thuta, Kuta and Aye Maung are the leading writer of the Khit San movement. And, the magazine, Ganda Lawka, in English name The World of books, totally support Khit San movement. A lot of short story and poem published in Ganda Lawka when 1930 to 1942. According to my study, Ganda Lawka Magazine, Khit San Ponbyin Mya Volume 1, in 1934, Khit San Kabya Mya, in 1934 and Khit San Ponbyin Mya, in 1938 are important roll of Khit San movement. They were totally support to push to the movement of Khit San. At first, I said, the Khit San movement was important role of Myanmar Morden Literacy development. Also, our literacy community must be thanks to Pe Maung Tin, Theippan Maung Wa, Zawgyi, Min Thu Wun and all of leading role of Khit San writer. Then, we need to follow their way and we need to make innovation, experiment and avant-gant that to develop the Myanmar Literacy in international.
Han Sann
Ref: www.en.wikipedia.com and
Khit San Sar Pay by Maung Khin Min(Danuphyu)